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There shall be no limit on the number of members.

  1.   Eligibility
    • Any individual, society, association, partnership, or corporate body engaged in commerce and industry or interested in the objectives of the Chamber shall be eligible to apply for membership.
  1.   Application Requirements
    • Each application for membership must be submitted in writing using a form approved by the CEO of the Chamber. The application should include:
      • The name of the applicant and the organisation they represent.
      • The applicant’s address.
      • The occupational role of the applicant within the organisation.
  1.   Nominated Representative
    • If the applicant is a society, association, partnership, or corporate body, the application form must also specify the name of the person proposed to be authorised as the Nominated Representative.
  1.   Signature Requirement
    • Every application for membership must be signed by the applicant.
  1.   Approval Authority
    • Subject to the Board’s authority to veto any approval, the CEO is delegated the power to approve new members.
  1.   Consideration Criteria
    • In evaluating applications, the CEO and/or the Board may consider any matters deemed appropriate, including the applicant’s standing in the business community, at their sole discretion.
  1.   Notification of Approval
    • The CEO shall send a notice of approval to each approved applicant. Upon receipt, the applicant is deemed to have agreed to abide by the Constitution, Rules, and By-laws of the Chamber.
  1.   Eligibility of Associates
    • Notwithstanding membership of a society, association, partnership, or corporate body, any constituent officer, manager, or associate of that entity is eligible for membership of the Chamber in their own right.
  1.   Geographical Scope
    • Membership is not restricted to individuals or entities with a place of business in the Marlborough Region.


  1.   Resignation
  • Any member wishing to resign must notify the CEO in writing. The resignation becomes effective upon receipt of such notice by the CEO, provided that all outstanding subscriptions owed by the resigning member are paid up to date, unless the Board resolves to remit these dues.
  1.   Suspension
    • A member may be suspended by written notice from the CEO under the following circumstances:
      • Suspension of Privileges: Suspension refers to the suspension of the member’s privileges within the Chamber. During the suspension period, the member’s rights to participate in Chamber activities, access resources, and hold positions are revoked.
      • Liability for Fees: Despite the suspension of privileges, the member remains liable for any subscriptions and fees incurred during the suspension period.
      • Grounds for Suspension:
        • Non-payment of subscriptions for more than two months without arrangements made with the CEO.
        • Failure to observe any Rule or Policy of the Chamber.
        • Conduct at any Chamber or Board meeting deemed unworthy of a member or injurious to the Chamber’s interests or standing.
        • Personal or business conduct deemed unbecoming or prejudicial to the Chamber.
  1.   Replacement of Nominated Representative
    • The Board may require a member to replace its Nominated Representative by written notice in the following cases:
      • Failure to observe any Rule or Policy of the Chamber.
      • Conduct at any Chamber or Board meeting deemed unworthy of a Nominated Representative or injurious to the Chamber.
      • Personal conduct deemed unbecoming or prejudicial to the Chamber.
  1.   Special General Meeting
    • Upon request by the member, the CEO shall convene a Special General Meeting to consider the suspension of the member or the replacement of the Nominated Representative.
  1.   Member’s Right to Explain
    • The member in question is entitled to present their case at the Special General Meeting.
  1.   Approval for Suspension or Replacement
    • Suspension of the member or replacement of the Nominated Representative requires approval by at least 66% of the members present at the Special General Meeting.
  1.   Termination Due to Bankruptcy or Dissolution
    • Any member who is adjudicated bankrupt, compounds with creditors under any bankruptcy-related act, or whose corporate body is wound up voluntarily or by court order shall automatically cease to be a member of the Chamber.
  1.   Readmission of Former Members
    • A member who has ceased to be part of the Chamber may be readmitted at any Board meeting by a unanimous vote of the members present.
  1.   Changing the Nominated Representative
    • A member may change its Nominated Representative by providing written notice to the CEO.


  1.   Subscription Term and Renewal
    • Term Length: Membership subscriptions are valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance.
    • Automatic Renewal: Subscriptions will automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless the member provides written notice of cancellation at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the current subscription term.
  1.   Determination of Annual Subscriptions
    • The Board shall determine the annual subscriptions for membership.
  1.   Payment Terms
    • Subscriptions are due and payable by the 20th day of the month following the invoice date. The Board may issue invoices on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis at its discretion.
  1.   Cancellation and Liability
    • Cancellation Within Subscription Period: Members who wish to cancel their membership within the subscription period must provide written notice to the CEO. However, members remain liable for the full subscription fee for the entire one-year term, regardless of the cancellation.
    • No Refunds: Subscription fees are non-refundable once the subscription term has commenced.
  1.   Readmission After Suspension for Non-Payment
    • If a membership has been suspended due to non-payment of subscriptions, the Board may readmit the former member without requiring re-acceptance, provided the former member pays all outstanding subscriptions.
  1.   Recovery of Outstanding Subscriptions
    • All due and owing subscriptions may be sued for by the Chamber and recovered as ordinary debts.


Marlborough Chamber Events - Terms and Conditions

When booking an event or workshop with Marlborough Chamber of Commerce (Marlborough Chamber) you are reserving a place at the event and signing up to these terms and conditions.

Please note that non-payment after booking does not indicate a cancellation unless you have informed Marlborough Chamber of Commerce prior to the event/workshop that you no longer require your booking.

It’s important to advise us if you wish to cancel or transfer your registration from a training session or a priced event as soon as possible. In many cases there are a maximum number of attendees allowed and we have waiting lists of other members who wish to attend. For this reason, the following cancellation and transfer policy applies to all Chamber training sessions and priced events:



  1. Cancellations or transfer requests must be advised at least two full working days prior to the date of the priced event. Please email or phone (03) 577 9575 as soon as possible if you are unable to attend the course or event you have registered for.
  2. Where cancellation advice or a transfer request is not received within two full working days prior to the priced event commencing, or a participant fails to show on the day, full fees will be payable.
  3. A replacement participant is welcome at any stage prior to the priced event commencing at no additional cost. Please provide us with the person’s details as soon as possible.

The Chamber reserves the right to add, reschedule or substitute speakers and/or vary advertised programs, prices and venues.

Should an event fail to attract a required minimum number of participants we reserve the right to cancel it or provide an 
alternative online option for delivery where appropriate, given the content and style of presentation.


  1. Cancellations or transfer requests must be advised at least 5 working days prior to the date of the training session.
  2. Cancellations or transfer requests for the Prince2 programme must be advised at least 21 full working days prior to the start date.
  3. Please email or phone (03) 577 9575 as soon as possible if you are unable to attend the course you have registered for.
  4. Where cancellation advice or a transfer request is not received within the applicable time indicated in points 1 & 2, or a participant fails to show on the day, full fees will be payable.
  5. A replacement participant is welcome prior to the training session commencing at no additional cost. Please provide us with the person’s details as soon as possible. Please note that names for the Prince2 exams need to be submitted 4 weeks prior to the programme commencing.

Should a course fail to attract the minimum number of participants; we reserve the right to cancel. In such circumstances we offer the following alternative arrangements at the time of cancellation:

  • Transfer to the next available course,
  • Alternative online options for delivery where available and appropriate, given the content and style of training.



Where a fee is charged for attending an event or workshop, all payments must be paid in full before the event/workshop to secure the booking.

Marlborough Chamber reserves the right to charge a small processing fee for any refunds.

Changes to an event
It may be necessary for reasons beyond Marlborough Chamber’s control to change the content or speakers for an event/workshop. Marlborough Chamber will use reasonable endeavours to notify you of changes made. Marlborough Chamber reserve the right to make changes to an event without notice to booked delegates.

Website Disclaimer

This website contains general business information about the Marlborough region. While all due care has been taken to ensure accuracy of this information, Marlborough Chamber of Commerce Trust accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions, offers or details of any business or event listings. Prices, timetables and other details or terms of business may change without notice. The information is not advice and does not imply any endorsement by Marlborough Chamber of Commerce and is subject to the following:

No Warranty

Marlborough Chamber of Commerce gives no warranties express or implied, that the content is up-to-date, correct, complete or useful for any particular purpose. Marlborough Chamber of Commerce may change the information, or make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the services described in this information at any time without notice. This website is established in New Zealand, therefore only New Zealand law applies to the content of this website.

The products and/or services referred to may not be available at all times and places. Consult the relevant business directly, for information regarding the products and services which may be available at any specific time or place.

Marlborough Chamber of Commerce is not liable to any party for any direct or other damages for any use of this website, or any other hyperlinked website, including that due to any viruses, worms, trojan horses and other items of a destructive nature, even if we were aware of the possibility of loss or damages.

Your Contributions

Any comments or materials sent to Marlborough Chamber of Commerce relating to this website or its contents will be regarded as public information. Marlborough Chamber of Commerce is free to reproduce, use, disclose, adapt or distribute that material or any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in that material, without limitation.

No person may make any statement on this website which would be binding on Marlborough Chamber of Commerce or which is defamatory or unlawful or gives legal rights or remedies to anyone against Marlborough Chamber of Commerce.

Any information collected on this website is for the sole use of Marlborough Chamber of Commerce for use in the organisation's promotional activities. All information collected on this website will be held by Marlborough Chamber of Commerce. Information relating to an individual which is collected on this website is available to, and may be corrected by, that individual.

Access to Other Websites

Any website you access from this site is independent from Marlborough Chamber of Commerce. Marlborough Chamber of Commerce has no control over the content on that website and does not make any representations about, nor endorses nor accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use, of any other website.


The material on this website is copyright to Marlborough Chamber of Commerce. You may, however, copy, store or reproduce if you acknowledge as the source of that material with the following exceptions:

The Marlborough Chamber of Commerce does not permit anyone to incorporate it’s logo in any other work, whether in electronic, hard copy or other form, including, in particular, republishing it for commercial or any other purpose, nor to transmit it to or store it in any other website or storage and retrieval system without prior consent from Marlborough Chamber of Commerce.


All prices are in New Zealand dollars and exclude GST unless stated otherwise.

Privacy Statement

Information About Our Organisation and Website
Modern information and communication technologies play a fundamental role in the activities of an organisation like Marlborough Chamber of Commerce. We are based in New Zealand.

Organisation Name: Marlborough Chamber of Commerce
Physical Address: Level 1, 6-8 Scott Street
Postal Address: P O Box 658
City, Post Code: Blenheim 7201
Country: New Zealand
Controller: Marlborough Chamber of Commerce Inc

Providing Visitors with Anonymous Access

You can access our Website home page and browse our site without disclosing your personal data.

Automatic Collection of Information

We do not automatically log personal data nor do we link information automatically logged by other means with personal data about specific individuals.
We do not use cookies to store personal data nor do we link non-personal information stored in cookies with personal data about specific individuals.

Data Collection and Purpose Specification

We collect the personal data that you may volunteer while using our services.
We do not collect information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organisations.
If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, we offer you the means to consent to this new purpose: by indicating in a box at the point on the site where personal data is collected.
If point of contact has been submitted via competition entries through marketing channels, details can be used by Marlborough Chamber of Commerce and associated parties for the purpose of mailing lists and EDMs.

Confidentiality / Security

We give visitors to our Website the option of using a secure transmission method to send us their personal data.
We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from:
- unauthorised access
- improper use or disclosure
- unauthorised modification
- unlawful destruction or accidental loss
All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors' personal data.
We ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to authorities except if required by law or other regulation.

Access to the Personal Data We May Hold About You

You can ask us whether we are keeping personal data about you, by:
- sending an email:
- sending postal mail to this address:
Marlborough Chamber of Commerce,
PO Box 658
Marlborough 7201
New Zealand
We will provide you with a readable copy of the personal data which we keep about you, within a week, although we may before require proof of your identity. We will provide the information without any charge.
We allow you to challenge the data that we hold about you and, where appropriate, you may have the data:
- erased
- rectified or amended
- completed
We reserve the right to refuse to provide our visitors with a copy of their personal data, but will give reasons for our refusal.
We do, however, allow you to challenge our decision to refuse to provide you with a copy of your personal data.

Privacy Compliance

Our privacy policy is compliant with the following instrument: Privacy Act 202.


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